284 words
1 minutes
Setup TS monorepo with local library

What is this about?#

This post will showcase the extremely basic setup of a monorepo that will contain a local ts library and a next.js project as siblings:

+-- my-library
+-- next-js-project

I will be using next-starter as the next js project, but this should not be required.




If you have the aforementioned directory structure and build to my-library/dist you can just add "my-library": "file:../my-library/dist", to dependencies in next-js-project.


Clone or create the next js project#

git clone git@github.com:nextjs/saas-starter.git

If like me you are using the next-starter perform all the necessary setup described in its README.md.

Remove .git dir from the next js project.

Add the test route#

Create the file ./app/api/test/route.ts with the following content.

import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server'
export async function GET(request: NextRequest) {
  const params = request?.nextUrl?.searchParams
  const a = parseInt(params.get('a')??'0')
  const b = parseInt(params.get('b')??'0')
  return NextResponse.json({ value: a+b })

When you run the server you can go to http://localhost:3000/api/test?a=2&b=3 in your browser and see the response {"value":5}.

Setup the local library#

mkdir my-library 
cd my-library 
pnpm init 
pnpm i -D tsup typescript

or as one:

mkdir my-library && cd my-library && pnpm init && pnpm i -D tsup typescript

create a file with the sample function to be imported under my-library/src/index.ts:

const myAdd = (a: number, b: number): number => a + b + 7
export { myAdd }

in package.json scripts add: "build": "tsup src/index.ts --format cjs,esm --dts"

run pnpm build

Bind it together#

Add "my-library": "file:../my-library/dist", to package.json in next js project.

run pnpm i

Change the code under ./app/api/test/route.ts to:

import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server'
import {myAdd} from 'my-library'
export async function GET(request: NextRequest) {
  const params = request?.nextUrl?.searchParams
  const a = parseInt(params.get('a')??'0')
  const b = parseInt(params.get('b')??'0')
  return NextResponse.json({ value: myAdd(a,b) })

You can go to http://localhost:3000/api/test?a=2&b=3 in your browser and see the response {"value":12}.

Setup TS monorepo with local library
Artur Mostowski
Published at